
Covid-19 Madness

We’re approaching the glimmering light at the end of the tunnel, and we at Riverbend wish to heartily thank our loyal readers.

This time of madness has been trying for many and we at Riverbend feel extremely lucky and heartwarmed by the local (and sometimes not-so-local) swell of good wishes and support. Our online orders have quadrupled, local delivery was a hit, and we’ve had so many customers make use of our handy ‘drive thru’. Schools are still thriving and our many bookclubs have graciously survived the transition to Zoom. We are fortunate in comparison to many other businesses who may not be able to see any light at the end of this long tunnel and who have suffered great losses.

If you are a regular attendee of our bookchats or events, you might have heard Suzy talk in detail about supporting local industry. One simple thing you could do to support our wonderful local businesses is to buy a GIFT VOUCHER from one (or more) of the businesses you love in the street. You will be giving practical help (to cash flow!) and will help keep our great high street alive and well. Head on over to our Facebook Page for recommendations — and make a recommendation of your own to go in the draw to win a $25 Riverbend Voucher.

Riverbend is open to the public from today, Friday May 22nd, and our Winter opening hours will be 8am to 5:30pm, Monday to Sunday. In accordance with continued restrictions we will only be allowing three customers in the shop at one time, with a sanitization station at the door. Up until today we have been cleaning the shop top to bottom and back to front to get it ready for the public. Bookclubs and group meetings will still happen via Zoom until restrictions are eased to allow group gatherings. We are playing it by ear, but hopefully by July we’ll all be back to normal!

We hope you are all well and safe, and that we will see you all in the near future!


Suzy and the Riverbend Team