Riverbend Books — ILF

Indigenous Literacy Foundation

If you’re a Riverbend regular or have browsed through our pamphlets at the counter, you may know about the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF). The ILF was founded by Suzy Wilson, owner of Riverbend Books. Our Patrons are The Hon Quentin Bryce AD, CVO; and June Oscar AO.

The ILF is a national book industry charity, which aims to reduce the disadvantage experienced by children in remote Indigenous communities across Australia, by lifting literacy levels and instilling a lifelong love of reading. We do this through our three core programs:

Book Buzz: An early literacy program designed to encourage reading in children under five and inspire their families and carers to get involved. Some Book Buzz books are translated into first language. 

Book Supply: We gift new culturally appropriate books to communities that need them. We have supplied over 260,000 books to over 250 remote communities in our lifetime.

Community Literacy Projects: We have published 80 books written by community, some in their first language, with support from many of Australia's renowned authors and illustrators.

If you would like to donate online or find out more about the foundation please visit the ILF website.

Indigenous Literacy Day

Indigenous Literacy Day is a national celebration of Indigenous culture, stories, language and literacy. Through activities on the day, the Indigenous Literacy Foundation focuses its attention on the disadvantages experienced in remote communities and encourages the rest of Australia to raise funds and advocate for more equal access to literacy resources for remote communities. Whether you are a school, bookseller, publisher, library, business, organisation or individual, here are some ways you can participate on this day:

  • Hold a Great Book Swap: www.greatbookswap.org.au

  • Donate a percentage of your product sales on this day – very popular for bookshops!

  • Make a donation through the ILF website: www.ilf.org.au

  • Hold a literacy event such as a book launch or storytelling session

  • Take an ILF donation box to work or school

  • Buy an ILF t-shirt for your staff or students to wear to work or school

  • Hold your own fundraising event

  • Advocate for us on social media and tag @IndigenousLiteracyFoundation on Facebook and @IndigneousLF on Twitter