Bookish Words from Suzy Wilson

If the past two years have made you feel like a broken down car without any petrol, I would love to recommend to you dear readers, a book that sang to me this January - The Luminous Solution by Charlotte Wood.

“I’d like to think of this book as a conversation not just with the guides on my shelves, but with all the writers and artists I’ve met, and many I haven’t, over the last three decades.”

I have always loved the writing of Charlotte Wood. Her novels (see below) look below the surface of their character’s lives and never fail to explore the essence of our world and our communities. She challenges us, her readers, to look hard. 

My whole family has shared this book over Christmas. Imbued in the author’s words is a personal honesty, a humility, an acute intelligence, which we all enjoyed meeting. You can’t help but like the person behind the words. And if you have ever doubted your creative spirit, there is much solace, encouragement and quiet joy to be found here. 

Each time I picked up the book a wave a calm washed over me. Thank You Charlotte Wood for the luminous hours you give us your readers.

If you are a creative, then I would consider this compulsory reading. This is a book to keep on your shelves forever, it has in turn become a guide, not a dictatorial guide but one that is insightful and encouraging. However it is not only for those working in the creative arts. As Charlotte says:

“The joys, fears and profound self-discoveries of creativity - I believe to be the birthright of every person on this earth. If you live your life with curiosity and intention - this book is for you.”