Getting to Know Your Riverbenders - Pauline McLeod


How long have you been working at Riverbend Books? 
8 years

And what's your job? 
Children's Literature Consultant

What do you like best about working at Riverbend? 
Working with a very warm and genuine group of people, the lovely customers that I have worked with over the years and reading all the wonderful children's books.

What's been your favourite event or story? 
My favourite event that I have worked at was the launch of Wundersmith by Jessica Townsend. We had around 450 very excited children and their parents attend. There was a life size snow globe to jump in, food trucks, a wonderful chat with the author and book signings.

If we were to come to you for recommendations, what kind of books do you like best? 
I enjoy reading YA and Middle Years Fiction. Although I do love a good Australian contemporary story I am always drawn to stories set in historical or fantasy worlds.

Lastly, what are you currently reading? 
I have just read and really loved Diary of a Naturalist by Dara McAnulty (which was a really different, slow and contemplative read) and The Left-Handed Booksellers of London by Garth Nix. 

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