I started my reading year by returning to a classic. I savoured the indulgence of reading an old favourite – The Secret History – a palette cleanser, before heading back to the land of new releases. And there are so many! Here are just a few coming out in the next couple of months that I’m excited for:

by Max Porter

Not to be dramatic, but I am IN LOVE with Max Porter. Two of his previous novels, Grief is the Thing With Feathers and Lanny sit in my room dog-eared and perpetually close at hand. His language is experimental, dreamy and magical. Shy follows a few hours in the life of a troubled teen boy, continuing Porter’s exploration of the emotional life of young men in a way that takes a pickax to the heart.

Due April 4th

Birnam Wood
by Eleanor Catton

Booker Prize-winning author of The Luminaries returns with an eco-thriller about a guerrilla gardening group – if that doesn’t pique your interest then I don’t know what else to tell you. Catton is brilliant at shaping worlds that are deceptively layered and I’m so eager to see where this one goes.

Due February 28th

Cursed Bread
by Sophie Mackintosh  

Based on the true story of a mass poisoning in a French village in 1951, this sounds like a feverish and hypnotic feminist fable. I loved both of Sophie Mackintosh’s previous novels – she has a knack for unsettling you in a really satisfying way – so I can’t wait to dive in!

Due March 7th

Old God’s Time
by Sebastian Barry

A retired policeman settling into life by the sea is confronted by his past when two young detectives seek his advice on a long-forgotten cold case. Sebastian Barry is often not for the faint-hearted but the payoff is always worthwhile, in my experience and his perfect Irish colour palette of moody hues is my beach reading of choice.

Due February 28th

by Genevieve Novak

This sounds right up my alley: darkly humorous contemporary lit with a bite. Novak looks at the fraught and ever-confusing process of moving on and starting anew in relationships with comforting hilarity.

Due April 5th

Old Babes in the Wood
by Margaret Atwood

A new Margaret Atwood short story collection, huzzah! I have only read the first story so far but it’s delightfully Atwood; crisp and matter of fact while somehow making you question everything you’ve ever believed in. I’m going to eke these stories out in between the novels on this list so as to stay in Atwood’s bizarre and wonderful world for as long as possible.

Due March 7th