10 Minutes with Toni Jordan

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Pantser, 100%.

How do you feel about the book now it’s out of your hands?

Once it’s on the shelf, it doesn’t belong to me anymore. It’s got nothing to do with me at all.

What is your number one rule for writing?

Read more. Reading other books is how you understand the way narrative works, the way sentences work, the whole shebang.

What elements of your writing bring out the grammar police in your editor?

Oh, where do I start? In this book: not enough commas, and complete inability to spell the word ‘yoghurt’, which appears more often than you’d think.

Do you have a favourite writing place?

Either my study at home in Collingwood, or Central Library at the University of Queensland.

Are you reading anything at the moment?

She is Haunted by Paige Clarke

What are you working on next?

I’m not done with the Schnabels yet!