10 Minutes with Sarah Schmidt

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I’m a pantser!


How do you feel about the book now that it’s out of your hands?

I feel happy that it’s out. I also feel like I want to cling onto the family because I miss them, even though they drive me nuts. I feel good that it’s out but I want to hold them.


Are you reading anything at the moment?

I am! I’m reading The Premonitions Bureau by Sam Knight and I LOVE it.


What is your number one rule for writing?

Go with your gut instinct and try to stay true to that.


What is your favourite writing place?

Because I write long hand, I like to write anywhere that I can just be with that notebook and be off by myself – no distractions.


What are you working on next?

I think what’s about to come out of me is a very dark fairy tale for adults about a little monster buy who seeks his revenge on a village. That’s what I think I’m doing. Failing that – maybe some historical figure or something like that! It’s very early days.

I wanted to be dark but full of joy as well because I’ve gone back to – I guess because of the pandemic – I went back to read fairy tales and things I loved as a kid, the really dark stuff, and I just thought… I feel like as an adult these are the kinds of stories that often build and shape who you are and I wanted to go back to that and just have fun with it. So yeah, I hope that’s what happens!