The Riverbend Regulars Series - David Farrell

Q1. How long have you been coming to Riverbend? And do you have a favourite memory from Riverbend?

For about 12 to 15 plus years.

Yes, every day I arrive and get to chat to the friendly team. I really enjoy the Book Clubs, especially Classics, and especially when I've read the book beforehand!!!

Q2. How has reading influenced and impacted your life?

It has taught me more than anything I ever learned at school and has made me appear more intelligent than I really am!!!

Q3. What is one of your favourite books that you have read recently?

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Q4. Do you have a favourite all-time book or author?

Pre Riverbend - Jeffrey Archer and JK Rowling/Robert Gailbraith

Riverbend - The Girt Series by David Hunt

Q5. What do you think makes Riverbend so special?

The Wonderful Team!!! They are truly passionate, prolific and professional readers!!!